Monday, November 29, 2010

First Time to a Colored Church

Atticus has gone away to the head of the state for a couple of weeks, so me and Jem we left with Calpurnia to take care of us. Since it was Sunday, Calpurnia decided to take me and Jem to her church, First Purchase. Calpurnia told me that the church had got its name from the free slaves that had built with the money that they had earned from working. I found that to be mind blowing. These people have been through so much and has still managed to have faith in God. Like I mean they spent all of their savings so they would have a place to gather and pray!
Once we arrived to the church I noticed how Calpurnia changed her personality, I mean that she went from a polite woman, to acting like every other black women there. She was speaking in a way that I have never heard her talk. Atticus never changed when he was in public. He always said that he wouldn't do anything in public then what he does at home. I wondered why Calpurina started to act like them, I felt like I was completely out of place. Me and Jem met quite a lot of new faces, like Lula, she told us that two white children had no business coming to a church like this and don't belong here. That's when Calpurnia got all defensive. Anyway, we even met Reverned Sykes, he knew Atticus and said that he was helping out with the Tom Robinson case. 
After the mass was over I was in complete shock. Everything they did was so different. They sang a lot; Calpurnia said that's because them people don't know who to read. And when they were collecting donations they wouldn't let us leave until they had enough money for Tom Robinson's wife. 
Anyway when we got back to the house, my day just went downhill; Aunt Alexandra came to live with us.

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